Category Archives: Musings & Miscellany

4th Edition’s Space Problem

There are flaws with 4th Edition D&D, which shouldn’t be any kind of surprise and yet here we are. Let’s talk about one of them. Heck, let’s talk about a big problem, and it’s a problem that’s structural. It’s so structural it doesn’t even relate to a specific class, as much as it relates to the way that classes get made. Classes take up too much space.

Just Playing 4ED D&D

I remember sitting down and trying to make my case that 4ed D&D removed too many options from me, it made me do all this work all over again to make characters I liked, and now I didn’t even know if there was anything cool I could connect to. I even said ‘it doesn’t feel like D&D.’

Why 4ed?

I get there are a lot of reasons to dislike 4th Ed, that’s fine. But it’s approachable, it tries to be balanced, and its tools for storytellers are way stronger and way more inclusive than people seem to want to give it credit.